S02E08 - Profit - Giving visions an eye exam or the DIY of visioning

Visions are aspirational, emotionally charged statements that describe the desired future state that the company aims to achieve.

They answer the question: “Where do we want to go?”. It provides a clear direction and long-term perspective for the organisation. But how does it fit with the other elements of the foundational pyramid of an enterprise: Purpose, mission, strategy, tactics, values and culture?

And how can we ensure that the strategies, which operationalise the vision, are not on the breakfast menu of the companies culture?

We highlight every piece of this construct and provide DIY instructions on how to assemble a vision that sit at the table, and not on the menu.


Daniel Helmig

Daniel Helmig is the CEO & founder of helmig advisory AG. He was an operations executive for several decades, overseeing global supply chains, procurement, operations, quality management, out- and in-sourcing, and major corporate overhauls. His experience spans five industries: OEM automotive, semiconductor, power and automation, food and beverage, and banking.


S02E09 - Planet - Net zero by 2030? Moon shot or piece of moon cake?


S02E07 - Profit - Play a kind of TETRIS® with your business or: digitally defragment your value chain to push customer satisfaction, revenue, margins, and speed to new heights